From the course: Revit 2025 Essential Training for Structure (Imperial and Metric)

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Adding detail components

Adding detail components

- [Instructor] It's time to start actually detailing. Up to this point, we've been doing everything in basic 3D. If not in 3D, we've been putting in 3D parametric components. Well, the cool thing about drafting here in Revit is we're putting in 2D components but they're still parametric. Let's take a look. In Revit, under Models, go to Open. In your Chapter 09 Exercise Files, we'll open Structural_09_03. I'd like to rename this Section 4, so let's scroll down in our Properties and rename it. For the View Name, instead of Section 4, all caps, we'll call it TYPICAL CONNECTION DETAIL, Then hit Enter. Now, we need to bring in some families here, so let's go to Insert. Let's go to Load Autodesk Family. Under Browse, let's go back to All Results. You can actually hit the home button right here too and that'll send you out to the main Category. So what I'd like to do is let's go to Detail Items. Let's go to Division 01-General. Let's select Break Line and click Load. Now, if we go to the…
