From the course: Revit 2025 Essential Training for Structure (Imperial and Metric)

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Copy and Paste Aligned

Copy and Paste Aligned

- [Instructor] This next function is a real time-saver. Essentially, what we can do is we can copy all the beams that we just put in to the actual Windows clipboard and then paste them aligned up to the other levels. So in Revit, under Models, let's go Open, press where you're keeping your exercise files. And let's grab Structural_04-03 out of chapter 4, click Open. Under Structural Plans, let's go down to Level 2. I want to select everything in our model. So let's pick a point in the upper right-hand corner, hold down your pick button and just drag it right down across everything. On the Selection panel, click the Filter button. We have everything selected, let's click on Check None. Let's select Structural Beam Systems. Select Structural Framing Girder, Joist, and that's all I want. Hit Apply. Click OK. Now on the Clipboard panel, click the Copy to Clipboard button. Good old-fashioned Ctrl + C. Notice, once you've done that, the Paste icon will light up. Go to a 3D view. Just…
