From the course: Revit 2025 Essential Training for Structure (Imperial and Metric)
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Creating a brace frame sheet - Revit Structure Tutorial
From the course: Revit 2025 Essential Training for Structure (Imperial and Metric)
Creating a brace frame sheet
- This video actually jumped us ahead a little bit because there's a whole chapter on creating sheets. In this case, I'd like to create some sheets, but before I do that, I want to make a bunch of callouts. In Revit under models, let's open one up. In your exercise files under chapter five, grab structural 05-05, click open. Let's go up to level two. Let's go to our south elevation. Notice that that brace frame is sitting right in there. Let's zoom into our brace frame. On the view tab, click the callout button. Let's pick a point like right about here. Let's come all the way down to about here. I'm going to select my callout. Notice that I can move this around. So I'll grab this grip here, and we're going to whoop over to here somewhere. Now, hit escape a couple of times. Let's double click on the callout. This is going to open up our little callout here, but let's change the name of it, of course. For the view name, cap locks, we'll call it BRACE FRAME-A. Let's set the scale to a…
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