From the course: Revit 2025 Essential Training for Structure (Imperial and Metric)

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Creating a sump pit

Creating a sump pit

- [Instructor] In the previous two videos, we were able to edit the profile of a foundation wall to step it down. The objective of this video is to perform a similar task by cutting a hole in a foundation, giving us a sump pit. So in Revit, under models, let's go open, browse where you're keeping your exercise files, and in chapter three, I'll grab Structural_03-10, open. With the file open, in the project browser under structural plans, let's scroll down till we find top of footing. We'll make sure we're in top of footing if we're not already. Now I'd like to zoom in on this elevator shaft right here. Go ahead and select the foundation that's underneath it. Click edit sketch. On the draw panel, click the line button. Pick a point right here on the end point. Let's come up two feet. Let's come over two feet, down and over, and escape a couple times. Click finish, and escape. Go ahead and select the foundation now. On the view panel, click on this little button right here. This is…
