From the course: Revit 2025 Essential Training for Structure (Imperial and Metric)

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Creating column offsets

Creating column offsets

- [Instructor] Just because we use the grid to basically lock in our columns, that doesn't mean we can't move a few columns around here and there. The objective of this video is to select a few columns and move them. Then we're going to go back and examine the properties of the column to see how Revit displays the offsets in the Properties. In Revit, under Models, go Open. Browse where you're keeping your exercise files. And in Chapter-02, let's grab Structural_02-03, Open. In the Project Browser, under Structural Plans, let's go down to Level 1. I'm not a huge fan of these columns sitting in the middle of my corridor here. So if I hold on my Control key, I'm going to select this column here and this column here. Now let's click Move. Let's make sure Constraint is turned on, but make sure Disjoint is not checked on. Now, if you run your cursor up and down this column grid line, we're going to pick a spot like right about here. Now move your cursor to the left. Let's come over four…
