From the course: Revit 2025 Essential Training for Structure (Imperial and Metric)
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Creating slab depressions - Revit Structure Tutorial
From the course: Revit 2025 Essential Training for Structure (Imperial and Metric)
Creating slab depressions
- [Instructor] Last thing in this chapter I'd like to do is create a slab depression. Not that it's sad or anything, but a lot of times I see people just go to a floor plan and start drawing lines and put a piece of text on it that says, you know, slab depression. So I don't want to do that. I want to model one. To do that in Revit under models let's go to open. Browse to your exercise files chapter 06-05, click open. In the project browser under structural plans let's jump down to level one. Let's zoom in on this area. Say we have a mat that we have to account for. So I'm going to cut a hole out of the floor. So let's select the floor. If you can't select it the way I'm selecting it, down in the lower right hand corner make sure that you've got no little red Xs in front of any of these buttons here, especially the select elements by face. Now I'm going to hover over my floor. Then we'll click edit boundary. Okay, I'm going to cut a hole out right around the inside of these footings…
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