From the course: Revit 2025 Essential Training for Structure (Imperial and Metric)

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Detailing trusses

Detailing trusses

- [Instructor] Okay, let's clean this mess up. There's two things I want to do here. One is going to be called coping, which we've used before for detailing. And the other is going to be beam joins. Both are equally as effective. Okay, in Revit under models, let's go open. Browse to chapter 11. Grab Trusses-11-05. Click open. On our floor plans, let's go down to roof. Select your section marker. I want to move this back to here. Hit escape a couple times. Double click on your section marker. I want to hide my roof in this view permanently. So I'm going to select my roof, right click, hide in view, elements. Now let's zoom into here. Let's clean this join up. So what I'd like to do is I'm going to hover over this top cord. I'm going to hit my tab key and select it. Down here, I'm going to unpin it. Now we can stretch our geometry out. So I'm going to grab this little grip here. I'm going to stretch this out to here. Hit escape a couple times. I'm going to hover over this one, hit my…
