From the course: Revit 2025 Essential Training for Structure (Imperial and Metric)

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Rebar cover settings

Rebar cover settings

- [Instructor] You may have noticed that when we select concrete elements, there are what's called rebar cover settings. Let's take a look and see how we can add to this list. In Revit under models, let's go to Open. Browse to where you're keeping your exercise files in chapter seven and click Open. Let's go to our 3D view, which is cropped around our little pier here. Go ahead and select your foundation. Let's scroll down under Structural, and notice that we have rebar cover, top, bottom, and other faces. Hit Escape a couple times. Let's scroll down to our sections. Let's go to section four. We should have named this, huh? Let's right click on section four, and go Rename. With your Cap Locks on, call it TYPICAL PIER DETAIL. Now select your footing. Click Rebar. Right when I move my cursor down into this area here, we have three different settings, so I'm going to hit escape a couple times. Let's go to the Structure tab. Click the reinforcement dropdown right here. Let's go Rebar…
