From the course: Ruby on Rails Models and Associations
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Use callbacks to automate actions - Ruby on Rails Tutorial
From the course: Ruby on Rails Models and Associations
Use callbacks to automate actions
- [Instructor] Now that we understand how callbacks work, in this movie we'll learn to write them in our code. This example shows a customer model with three callbacks. The first is a before validation callback to format a phone number. Phone numbers may be submitted in a variety of formats containing dashes, spaces, periods, and more. I imagine this callback is a method to standardize the format so that it can be more easily validated. The second callback is a before save callback to geocode the address. It might contact a third party service to get back a latitude and longitude to store the database at the same time as the record saves. The third is an after commit callback called notify admins. Anytime a record is created, updated, or destroyed, it will send a message to admins. Notice that it uses after commit and not after save. So it only takes place once the transaction is final. Each callback has the name of a private…