From the course: Sales Strategy: Storytelling to Speed Up Your Sales Cycle

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Opening a story with SCIPAB

Opening a story with SCIPAB

- Now that you've shared your epic stories, you have an interested prospect. What's next? It's time to talk with your prospect and start the discovery process, so you need to have your opening stories ready, to establish empathy and build trust. To do this, you can use a formula, which is also an acronym called SCIPAB. It stands for, S, what's the situation; C, what complicates that situation; I, what's the implication of a failure to act; P, what's your position; A, what's the action you want them to take; and B, what are the key benefits of taking action? Let me show you SCIPAB in action. So there's an incredible, useful sales tool that I've used for years, which delivers high-margin sales with very few and sometimes no salespeople at all. If you don't have a super effective message, then you're likely losing out on the chance to communicate with powerful impact. I want to share with you the sales narratives course…
