From the course: Script Writing for Nonfiction Video
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Throwing out your script
From the course: Script Writing for Nonfiction Video
Throwing out your script
- I'm talking to you right now about throwing away your script, which seems a little crazy, given that this is a class about script writing. But let's face it, we're working in non-fiction, and non-fiction is reality, and sometimes, reality just doesn't go the way we plan. And that's okay. So, the main thing, is as a writer, you need to be prepared. So, how do you do that? Well, one of the things you want to think about, is content is king. So ultimately, if the content really ties in to your initial goals and your themes and your strategies, then it's really, actually, not going to be that hard to rework it given what might have just happened on the shoot. Sometimes new characters might emerge, new themes, somebody might say something that they never said before in the pre-entry deal. Or something might happen in the edit room, and so as you're writing your edit script, you might discover a different theme is emerging, and that's okay. So, again, you want to be prepared, be ready for…
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