From the course: Securing Your Home Office

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Wi-fi and network security

Wi-fi and network security

- [Instructor] Most of us rely on wifi at home to connect our devices to the internet. When we do so, it's important to know how the network is set up and to take steps to keep it as secure as possible. Securing a wireless network can be a little trickier than securing a wired network. With a purely wired network, we can run the wire where we want to and avoid putting it where we don't want it. But with wifi, the signal spreads out from the wifi access point through walls, through windows, through floors. So we don't know what devices are in range of this network, and that's why we need to ensure that our wifi network is secure. To do this will enable a security setting on the network, meaning that the information sent over the air is encrypted with a password or passphrase we determine. This helps prevent others from reading our wireless traffic that isn't intended for them. Setting up a wireless network to use WPA2 or WPA three encryption and choosing a passphrase that's difficult…
