From the course: Selling into Industries: Retail and Consumer Products

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Collaboration with other departments

Collaboration with other departments

- Years ago, I remember being really excited learning about a new book the publisher I work for was going to be releasing in time for the holidays. There's no such thing as a guaranteed bestseller, but this book sure sounded like it could be. The sales management told us to go out and test the waters with a few accounts and get some feedback. Meanwhile, over in the marketing department, they were excited too. They began elaborate and expensive promotional strategies. The enthusiasm spread to the entire creative and production teams, who saw this as an opportunity to be innovative and groundbreaking. Later, all departments then met in one group with the product development team hearing our feedback, with the sales team speaking last. My manager said, "We've got a bestseller in the making "priced at 24.95." The noise we then heard was the finance manager gasping for air. He said, "After adding in all of the costs "for marketing, creative and production, "there's no way we can sell it at…
