From the course: Selling into Industries: Retail and Consumer Products

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Following your sales process

Following your sales process

- As salespeople, we're always excited and ready to go present a new product to a customer. That's what this is all about, isn't it? We have this great new offering, consumers you're sure are ready to buy it when it becomes available and we all know how to sell so what are we waiting for? That excitement is great and it's what we want to have as salespeople. However, it can also tempt us to want to go to market before we have our plans and strategies firmly in place. That's why it's so critically important that we follow the steps of the sales process we've been trained on. We need to be fully prepared of what will happen when we get in front of the buyer, of that retailer we wanna sell to. Whether we're selling to corporations, academic institutions or retailers, the backbone of what we all do and where we start is the sales process. There are many methodologies, theories and approaches to sales. But in its simplest form and the one that many salespeople have been taught is INP or…
