From the course: SEO: Ecommerce Strategies

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Ecommerce canonical URLs

Ecommerce canonical URLs

- [Instructor] Duplicate content is when one page on your website is identical, or very similar, to another page on your website. Duplicate content can also happen if your page on your website is very similar to another page on the internet. Canonicalization is the process of picking the best webpage when there is more than one option. You can use this rel canonical tag within the head section of web pages where there is a duplicate content issue. Where it says, you want to put the link to the page that you want Google to actually rank. This would mean that all of the authority from other duplicate content pages and links that point to those other duplicate content pages will actually be credited to the page that you refer to. Here is an example of how the rel canonical tag works. Let's say I have three pages, pagea, pageb, and pagec. For example purposes, let's say all of these pages have exactly the…
