From the course: Social Media Marketing Trends

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Embracing the Reddit community

Embracing the Reddit community

(upbeat music) - US users spend an average of 23 minutes per day on this social network. It has 420 million monthly users, and is often ranked as one of the top 20 most popular social platforms globally. I'm talking about Reddit, known as the front page of the internet, as it's one of the most widely used social channels, yet doesn't get prioritized in the same way as other networks. Brands often don't understand how to thoughtfully be active on Reddit, or outright avoid the network. Given the communities there are sometimes advertising adverse and loathe self-promotion. That's actually part of the reason Reddit is special, as it's not inundated with companies sharing content or advertising at scale like you might experience on other social channels. Instead, it's a network of communities called subreddits that cover different topics managed by moderators, allowing users to publish links, videos, or photos related to…
