From the course: Social Media Marketing Trends

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Live streaming in China evolves

Live streaming in China evolves

will continue to be in China despite this aspect of social media not taking off elsewhere. Traditionally, brands would partner with key influencers in China to cohost live streaming shopping experiences to reach their massive audiences, given they often have celebrity status. This would typically result in driving significant sales for these brands. And in return, the influencers are paid a fee from the sales driven. Recently, the dynamics in the live streaming industry have changed in China, leading to many brands launching their own streams without the support of major influencers, and it's working. - [Jacob] While the influencer economy is going through a major fragmentation. Up until recently, the influencer economy was highly concentrated with the handful of celebrity live streamers boasting huge followings and wielding enormous market power. However, brands are increasingly creating their own live streams, or…
