From the course: Social Media Marketing with Facebook and Twitter

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Optimizing conversions

Optimizing conversions

- [Presenter] When marketers talk about conversions, what we really mean are the actions that we want our audience to take. It can be buying something off of a website, signing up for a newsletter, or even just clicking on a link in one of our tweets. This can feel really uncomfortable to many business owners, and it's for a good reason. As a rule, almost any attempt to market to social media users has one big problem, and that's you're interrupting their experience. So how do you convert your audience on social media? In digital marketing, we talk about the sales funnel or the conversion funnel, and it's a key to warming up your leads. The conversion funnel is a process or journey that your customers take, and along the way you nurture your relationship with them through content. In this process, the people feel the top of the funnel flowing down through it until they hit the action part. And this is your conversion.…
