From the course: Sound Design for Motion Graphics
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Creating motion through sound
From the course: Sound Design for Motion Graphics
Creating motion through sound
- In a heavily-packed sound design project such as this one, it's easy to have many sounds stacked on top of one another. Plus, everything is competing with music and voiceover. In this movie, we'll take a look at how we can use stereo panning to create motion within our sound effects, giving them space to work. Now, these two "whoosh" files we made for the "gluteus maximus" text are emphasizing lateral movement across the screen. So we can apply either clip-based panning or track-based panning for both of these sound effects to move the sound along with the image from right to left or from left to right. Let's take a look at this first one, and let's see which direction the text is running. (whoosh) Okay, so the "gluteus maximus" text, as you saw, if I scroll a little bit, it starts at the right-hand side of the screen, and it's moving in just about left of center from the screen, so if we can automate the sound to move along with the lateral motion of that text, it would work really…
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Working with sound in the Waveform Editor8m 53s
Using real-time clip effects for sound design5m 38s
Reversing and editing clips for effect6m 50s
Using real-time track effects for sound design8m 2s
Creating motion through sound9m 22s
Working with tonal vs. nontonal sounds7m 45s