From the course: Sound Design for Motion Graphics
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Stretching and shrinking sound effects to picture
From the course: Sound Design for Motion Graphics
Stretching and shrinking sound effects to picture
- Now, we're gonna expand on our sound design by filling out some of the middle section of our motion graphics project. I made some new tracks to accommodate the other categories of sound from our original brain storm session, and I color coded the tracks. So, over here, we can see that there's four tracks labeled WHOOSH in a nice shade of pink, we have four beeps tracks in yellow, and we have two other tracks for any other type of sound that doesn't fall into those categories. So, the first sound I'd like to add to these tracks is a whoosh sound, and it's gonna be a sound that follows the text as it whooshes in. So, just showing you where my cursor is, I've got it set to the marker called text whoosh in, and what we're talking about here, if I hit play, is the up stroke and down stroke, those text are coming in, they're flying in starting right about where this marker is, and they fly in, then they park themselves. And then, later on, they, if I keep on going down the timeline, they…
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