From the course: Sound Design for Motion Graphics

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Using markers to spot to picture

Using markers to spot to picture

- [Voiceover] Now we're ready to get more precise in the planning of our sound design. The process is called 'spotting to picture.' And any sound designer is familiar with this idea of making accurate place markers for sonic events. In this movie, we'll use markers in Audition to spot our sound design elements. Markers are simple to make. You place the cursor in the timeline where you'd like to add a marker by typing "m" on your keyboard. 'M' for 'marker.' For example, if I use my right and left arrows, I can navigate the playhead forward and backward by one frame. So right at frame "01" we start seeing the gear flying into the picture. So I'll make my first marker there. By typing "m." And notice I have a "Marker 01" pops up in my timeline. Also, over here, I have our "Markers" tab. Now if this was on "Media Browser," you might need to tab over to our "Markers" area. And then we see the name "Marker 01" and a start time indication. Now we can click right in here and we can rename our…
