From the course: Squarespace Essential Training: The Basics (2023)
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Examining analytics
From the course: Squarespace Essential Training: The Basics (2023)
Examining analytics
- [Jen] Your site comes with analytics and after it's been up for a few days, it will register traffic to your site. You can see who is visiting your site and where people are coming from. However, the website that we just built doesn't have any traffic because no one has seen it yet. So, what I would like to do is show you my website at, let's take a look at the analytics for it instead. And you can get there by going to the left navigation, you're going to go to analytics as an option, and this is going to show you who has been visiting your website. In this case, it's over the last 30 days. So here you can see that I have had a high of 15 visits a day here towards the end of November and many days I get as few as four visits. So, this is just giving you an idea of who is visiting my website. It'll tell you that we have had traffic drop. We are getting towards the end of the year here and so people are…
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