From the course: SSCP Cert Prep: 4 Incident Response and Recovery
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Business continuity planning
From the course: SSCP Cert Prep: 4 Incident Response and Recovery
Business continuity planning
- Business continuity planning is one of the core responsibilities of the cybersecurity profession. Business continuity efforts are a collection of activities designed to keep a business running in the face of adversity. And this adversity may come in the form of a small scale incident, such as a single system failure, or a catastrophic incident, such as an earthquake or tornado. The focus of business continuity is keeping operations running. And because of this, business continuity planning is sometimes referred to as continuity of operations planning, or COOP. While many organizations, place responsibility for business continuity with operational engineering teams, business continuity is a core security concept because it's the primary control that supports the security objective of availability. Remember, that's one of the big three objectives of information security, confidentiality, integrity, and availability.…