From the course: SSCP Cert Prep: 4 Incident Response and Recovery
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Disaster recovery overview
From the course: SSCP Cert Prep: 4 Incident Response and Recovery
Disaster recovery overview
- [Instructor] Business continuity programs are designed to keep a business up and running in the face of a disaster. But unfortunately, they don't always work. Sometimes continuity controls fail or the sheer magnitude of a disaster overwhelms the organization's capacity to continue operations. That's where Disaster Recovery begins. Disaster Recovery is a subset of business continuity activities designed to restore a business to normal operations as quickly as possible, following a disruption. The Disaster Recovery plan may include immediate measures that get organizations working again temporarily, but the Disaster Recovery effort is not finished until the organization is completely back to normal. The Disaster Recovery plan may be triggered by an environmental natural disaster, such as a hurricane or a man-made disaster, such as a ransomware attack. The source of the disaster may be internal to the organization, such as the…