From the course: Strategic Agility

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Align activities with strategic goals

Align activities with strategic goals

From the course: Strategic Agility

Align activities with strategic goals

- Even if you think you have a near perfect strategy remember that it needs to be executed by mostly imperfect people. So how can you ensure that workers follow an optimized process for achieving the organization's strategic goals? The answer is alignment. Alignment is the process of linking together the organization's strategic goals with the goals of each individual in the organization. Every single worker needs to understand which of the strategic goals they're supporting and how their own activities help the organization to be successful. Let me give you an example. After John F. Kennedy had declared that the U.S. was going to the Moon, the President was visiting the Space Center at Cape Canaveral. He's reputed to have stopped a janitor who was sweeping a floor and asked him what he was doing. Why, Mr. President, the janitor said, I'm putting a man on the Moon. Now, even if that's just a story it's a great story because it illustrates the direct connection between a huge strategic…
