From the course: Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training
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Adding a bitmap texture to a layer - Substance Painter Tutorial
From the course: Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training
Adding a bitmap texture to a layer
- [Instructor] So in this video I want to talk about how we can apply a texture map to a channel. So there are many times when you may use another application such as Photoshop to create a specific, some decals or logos, or something like that and you want to just be able to apply that as a bitmap texture, just like you would in say, a 3D program. So what we're going to do here is if we take a look, this is the content that we've imported to our project. I have this knob plate decals. We want to just apply this as a texture map. So what I'm going to do underneath the cabinet texture set I am just going to create a new fill layer, and we're going to call this, let's see here, knob panel decals. And we want to come over here to the actual material, I just want the color information, so alt + left click, and that will clear out all the other channels. And then you can just simply apply the map, so you just left click and just…
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