From the course: Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training

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Best practices for UVs and texel density

Best practices for UVs and texel density - Substance Painter Tutorial

From the course: Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training

Best practices for UVs and texel density

- [Instructor] UVs are an important part of the texturing process. Substance Painter requires your mesh to have UVs in order to create textures. And so here we have a part of the speaker cabinet and I also have a texture applied to this. So if we take a look at UVs and, here, let me just select the object, and we'll take a look at the UV editor. So the UVs are used to apply a texture, which we have here, onto a 3D surface. And so with that in mind, UV layout, as well as texel density, can be very important in the overall quality of the textures you're able to create when you're in Substance Painter. So if we think about a digital photo, it's made up of, well, pixels. And so we can think of a texture as also made up of well, something called texels, which means a texture element. So we can think of a texel like a container for pixels, so the larger the container, the more pixels you can fit in it and the…
