From the course: Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training

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Painting layer masks

Painting layer masks

- [Instructor] So in this video, we're going to take a look at another fundamental concept within Substance Painter which is painting a layer mask. So let's come back here to our layer stack and let's click this paint bucket icon once more. We're going to create another fill layer. Now like I said, we can't paint on this. Let's come back over here to the material properties and let's disable all of the channels except for the color. So again, a keyboard shortcut to do that would be to hold down the Alt key and then left click on the color. Now let's come in here and set a color for this. Let's just do something like a red here. So now we're getting kind of like this red metallic look. So the next thing that I want to actually do here is I want to create a layer mask. So let's just call this, here let's just call this color here. And if I want to create a layer mask, there's a couple ways I can do that. Here at the top of the…
