From the course: Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training

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Using a text alpha

Using a text alpha

- [Instructor] So in this video, I want to show you kind of a quick way we can work with fonts inside of Substance Painter. So here I have these buttons, and I want to be able to add some text to this, and I don't have a texture map. It's just something I kind of need to do basically on the fly here. So what I'm going to do, this is our dial numbers here, let's go in and create a standard paintable layer, and we'll just call this Button Text. Now again, I'm just going to use, well, I'm just going to use color. So this time, let's set the color to black. And again, we'll be able to decrease that with our layer opacity. So we could come in and we could paint this here. Take a look at my brush settings. Let's make sure everything's okay. I actually am going to just make sure that my alignment is Tangent Wrap. And what I want to do is come over here to my alpha, and we're going to add a new alpha here. So let's come into…
