From the course: Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training
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Working with export configurations - Substance Painter Tutorial
From the course: Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training
Working with export configurations
- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to talk about our export configuration. Now, in the previous video, we set up a portfolio render using Iray, and you can see that a lot of the post effects that I had set, they're still available to me here in the real time view port as well, so that's another thing that I want to kind of mention. So if we come over to our display tab and I look at my camera, again, here you can see that all of those post effects that I enabled are still available to me so, you know maybe the glare and bloom is a little too intense so I can always just pull that down like this. Also, another thing that as you're working and you want to make sure you get a nice good idea of your shape and form, you can always just enable your shadows here. So this is actually what I'm getting straight from the actual realtime view port. It looks really nice as well. Again, just keep that in mind, that as you're…
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