From the course: Supply Chain Cybersecurity: Preventing Supply Chain Attacks
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What is a supply chain attack?
From the course: Supply Chain Cybersecurity: Preventing Supply Chain Attacks
What is a supply chain attack?
- Companies work with third-party vendors that provide a lot of products and services. Off the top of my head, payroll, transportation, maintenance, data loss prevention. In many cases, these outside vendors need access to a company's data, networks, software or hardware to fulfill their contractual obligations. But once a company provides an outside vendor access to their information and technology ecosystems the vendor's risks are now a part of that company's risk profile and can exponentially increase the organization's attack surface. Now that company doesn't just need to protect their data systems and networks from their own vulnerabilities but also the vulnerabilities of their vendors. And because of that, digital supply chains have evolved as a rapidly growing attack surface because bad actors get more bang for their buck. Instead of working to breach one company digital supply chains allow bad actors to…