From the course: Symmetric Cryptography Essential Training
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The importance of randomness to cryptography
From the course: Symmetric Cryptography Essential Training
The importance of randomness to cryptography
- [Narrator] One of the big assumptions we made in the last video was that the cryptographic keys we're using are generated uniformly at random. If they're even a little predictable, our security assumptions no longer hold, and the key is effectively shorter. What does it mean for something to be random, though? There are two approaches to producing unpredictable numbers that don't follow any patterns. We distinguish between pseudorandom numbers and truly random numbers. The first is not truly random, but pseudorandom. Pseudorandom number generators, PRNGs, which we briefly mentioned in a previous chapter, do indeed look random by most metrics. These are difficult but not impossible to predict. They're deterministic algorithms. This means that they'll do the same thing every time they're run with the same inputs. In that sense, they're predictable. It may be difficult, but definitely not impossible. PRNGs work fine when the randomness is used to roll dice for a game or for running a…
Exchanging keys1m 34s
Key length and large numbers4m 26s
The importance of randomness to cryptography2m 26s
Modular arithmetic2m 46s
Diffie–Hellman key exchange2m 29s
Challenge: Implementing Diffie–Hellman2m 5s
Solution: Implementing Diffie–Hellman1m 17s