From the course: System Administration: Backup and Recovery
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Backup security
From the course: System Administration: Backup and Recovery
Backup security
- [Instructor] There are lots of ways that we can add security to our backups. I remember one time a customer had a password that was not secure and they had Remote Desktop open to everyone, so they got hacked and all of their data got encrypted. But fortunately, even though I was unable to convince them to use a secure password, I was able to convince them to have backups that were not always attached to the device. So I just restored from the previous night's backup by plugging in the USB drive and everything was back up and running again. So it's very important to have additional security such as separate backups that aren't attached to your servers when you have a malware attack. But there's other ways that we can secure as well such as we can encrypt the contents ourselves of our data. So if our backup drives are ever stolen or the content's ever stolen, then they won't be able to use any of that data because we've…
Using internal storage for backup5m 47s
SAN storage for backup5m 53s
DVD storage for backup2m 27s
Network share backup option8m 57s
Cloud storage backup options11m 41s
NAS backup options3m 48s
Storage Replica feature7m 55s
Backup security4m 50s