From the course: System Administration: Backup and Recovery
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Cloud storage backup options
From the course: System Administration: Backup and Recovery
Cloud storage backup options
- [Instructor] Cloud storage is becoming a popular place to send our backups. We can do cloud storage at places such as Microsoft's Azure, Amazon Web Services, also known as AWS, and other third-party sites that are out there. However, Azure and Amazon Web Services do make up the majority of all the cloud storage. You can also choose a remote office or data center. So if you have your own devices, such as servers or storage area network devices, you can place them in another office and do a site-to-site tunnel. Or even a data center, and the data center would be considered a private cloud. There are some advantages to using cloud services, such as no onsite hardware. Obviously, this wouldn't be the case of a private cloud, but if you use a public cloud, like AWS or Azure, then that would be the case. And it works with many different backup programs. So for instance, you can use Veeam and Backup Exec and other programs and…
Using internal storage for backup5m 47s
SAN storage for backup5m 53s
DVD storage for backup2m 27s
Network share backup option8m 57s
Cloud storage backup options11m 41s
NAS backup options3m 48s
Storage Replica feature7m 55s
Backup security4m 50s