From the course: System Administration: Backup and Recovery

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Connect Cloud Storage to Veeam backup

Connect Cloud Storage to Veeam backup

- [Instructor] All major backup applications are going to have an inability to connect to cloud storage, and Veeam is no different. So I'm in the Veeam application, and if we go to home, you can see that I've run some backup jobs. They've been successful, which is great. But now I want to go into where it says backup infrastructure in the lower left-hand corner. So in that infrastructure, I need to add in a repository, and then I can connect to my Azure Blob. So if I right click on backup repositories, I'll click add. And I'm given a lot of different options. You have direct attached storage which I already have right now, which is a hard drive that's connected directly into my server. You could also choose network attached storage, which would be a NAS device connected to a file share. De-duplicating storage appliance would be, say an external guzi type of appliance. Multiple different ones are supported, but object storage…
