From the course: System Administration: Backup and Recovery
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Incremental backups
From the course: System Administration: Backup and Recovery
Incremental backups
- [Instructor] Full backups take up a lot of space and it takes a lot of time to run them every night. Therefore, you may decide you may want to go with incremental backups. We know that full backups get all the data, but incremental backups gets any data that has changed since the day before. Let's take a look at how this works. For instance, if we have backups that run Monday through Friday and we decide, for example, that we want to run our full backup on a Monday. Now, typically, an administrator would want to run this on a Friday and have it backup over the weekend if it takes a long time. But just for demonstration purposes, we'll say we're going to run our full backup on a Monday and then we're going to run our incremental backups on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. So it's going to use that archive bit that we discussed in a previous video, and this is how it works. On Tuesday, we're going to see a…