From the course: System Administration: Backup and Recovery

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Network share backup option

Network share backup option

- [Instructor] One of the options we have when we run a backup is to back up to a shared folder. What this means is we create a shared folder, either in Windows or Linux or whatever operating system we're using, and then from our backup server, we choose the shared folder option. So we need to create that shared folder, and it's going to be our backup target. Now, we need to make sure that it has proper permissions, because this is going to be used as the location for our backup, so we only want specific users or administrators to be able to have access into this folder. We don't want anybody to just be able to go in and encrypt it or delete it or any other thing that we don't want to happen to it. Now, in order to access this shared folder, we can use universal naming conventions, as far as the path that we use to access it, and it's called a UNC path. And here's an example of a UNC path. You start out with the backslash…
