From the course: Team Coaching Strategies for Project Managers

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Teams with an idea-resistant stakeholder

Teams with an idea-resistant stakeholder

- Stakeholders are the reason the project exists. They can act to remove obstacles and they can be difficult and cause project slow down. They can be the project obstacle. I've seen this happen when there is a stakeholder who has been assigned to a project that they don't feel connected to. Another challenge can be when a stakeholder is invited late to the project table. The source of stakeholder resistance is often related to communication. Maybe their communication and learning styles are not being satisfied, or maybe they have not been made to feel part of the project in a meaningful way. They don't understand clearly what their role is. So, how do we win over the difficult stakeholder to keep our project moving along? For this situation, I have two sets of questions. One for the stakeholder and one set for you, the project manager, and the people who know the stakeholder well. Let's look at questions to ask the stakeholder first. What makes the project important to you? What do…
