From the course: The Manager's Guide to Difficult Conversations
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Managing emotions
From the course: The Manager's Guide to Difficult Conversations
Managing emotions
- Often, it's our inability to manage emotions that gets in the way of successful conversations. Maybe you think about giving a performance review and your stomach feels queasy so you withhold honest feedback or you need to address Steve's body odor, but frankly, you're just too embarrassed, so you avoid. Our emotions can override our good intentions. The word emotion actually means disturbance. So managing your emotions is the key to successfully initiating and navigating through difficult conversations. Emotions come from what I refer to as the thought feeling loop. A thought triggers a feeling and the feeling triggers another thought. These thoughts become a way of thinking that influences managerial behavior. But if you're ready to increase your conflict competency, you'll need a practical method to help you manage those emotions. I like to think of it as a mathematical equation, the way you see others, plus the way…
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