From the course: The Manager's Guide to Difficult Conversations

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Online communication mistakes

Online communication mistakes

- Trying to take back a nasty email or hateful text is like trying to unring a bell. You can't do it. We all love the convenience of email and text but that convenience comes at a great cost when we use online communications in the wrong way. One email or text written in haste using short language, sarcasm, innuendos, it all creates even more conflict eroding trust, lowering teamwork, and damaging your reputation. So you'll want to pay attention to how and when you communicate online, and the most common mistakes to avoid. Online communications are useful for sending updates, factual information, invitations to meetings, the meeting agenda, and changes to the schedule. In other words, information that helps everyone stay on the same page, but using email or text communication for long discussions, explaining, gossiping or arguing is a mistake. Here's the rule of thumb. Wherever there are high stakes or the potential for…
