From the course: The Three Pillars of Effective Communication
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The three elements of presence
From the course: The Three Pillars of Effective Communication
The three elements of presence
- You talk about three essential elements of presence, what are they? - So the three elements to highlight are self-awareness. So that's really knowing what you need in a conversation in order to stay present. The second piece is trust. So that's allowing for the other person to share in a way that we're not worrying about forgetting something, at the same time, so we're trusting that we can be there for the other person fully. And then the third is patience. And so that's really making space for others to finish their thoughts, to process, to show up in a conversation fully.
The three pillars of effective communication50s
Why presence in conversation matters3m 4s
The three elements of presence42s
Mental self-awareness and labeling3m 28s
Physical self-awareness1m 46s
How to body scan for self-regulation2m 27s
Energy and self-awareness3m 54s
Trust and memory5m 22s
Patience1m 36s
Key takeaways2m 16s