From the course: Three Steps to Mental Well Being at Work

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Communication is key

Communication is key

- One powerful strategy we can all do to improve our mental health, and specifically when it comes to rehumanization back to work in the world and for organizations is clear communication is key. Clear communication is going to be the antidote to anxiety. Well, why do I say this? You know, our brains cannot hold competing thoughts and ideas or hearing different bits of information. Institutions, universities can begin to create a cohesive and strong communication strategy. Reduce what's called decision fatigue. This is going to be crucial for individuals in the rehumanization process. So, clear communication saying, "This is our policy. This is our strategy. Here's what we're going to do for in X, Y, Z you know, situational scenarios." The greater you have the chance to communicate clearly and concisely and consistently. So communicating clearly concise and consistently this is going to dampen the brain's ability to…
