From the course: Three Steps to Mental Well Being at Work

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Daily dose of vitamin S

Daily dose of vitamin S

- One powerful strategy is to take your daily dose of vitamin S. Now for many of us, after 15 months of pandemic and being quarantined in isolation, that can be really scary to be back into the full world of society again. So take small doses of vitamin S if you can. If you have to go back into work or you're being called back into the office, or you're kind of concerned about this, maybe do this in stages. If you recall, this is not going to be an on and off switch. The rehumanization process is going to be a dimmer switch. So start taking small doses of vitamin S. Perhaps make a lunch date with a work colleague. Perhaps say yes to maybe one social event in a week. Learn to navigate the terrain of maybe I don't have to be afraid of everyone anymore now that maybe more people are getting vaccinated or maybe my company organization is like permitting us to come back into work because we are all immunized. This might help…
