From the course: Three Steps to Mental Well Being at Work

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Practice of mental hygiene

Practice of mental hygiene

- The third strategy to help you re-humanize back at work in the world is reflection. How do we be reflective in the aftermath of crisis, change, and uncertainty? Well, this goes back again to something we talked about earlier, the primal need we humans have for what we call meaning-making, narrative, finding a sense of purpose in our suffering and pain. What we're discovering in the brain science and also cognitive health, behavioral health research, those individuals who can make sense of their pain and loss can learn to create a narrative and reflect on what happens. It helps them move forward into the world with a greater sense of optimism, hope, and again, a sense of rightness and resilience. So reflective, in many ways, builds upon the first two, ready and resilient. How do we be reflective of what we've experienced, and how do we reflect being able to move forward? One strategy we can do to be reflective is to…
