From the course: Three Steps to Mental Well Being at Work

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The narrative: Give permission to discuss the suffering

The narrative: Give permission to discuss the suffering

From the course: Three Steps to Mental Well Being at Work

The narrative: Give permission to discuss the suffering

- As a species, we discovered that we need a deeper sense of meaning and purpose. One of the greatest attributes about the human condition, the human psyche, is that we need a sense of making purpose out of suffering and loss. And one thing we do at Chapman University, in our HR department, is, which I think applies to other organizations and to companies, is that we are holding space for employees to share their stories about what happened to them over the pandemic, whether that is a sense of what they've lost, what they're looking forward to. But offering is space. And this is not like group therapy. This is more like about giving permission for individuals in that rehumanization process to begin to make sense of their suffering, to really begin to cultivate a foundation for the workforce and your employees to say, you know, I'm not alone in this, other people struggled. And when we see those struggles and talk…
