From the course: Three Steps to Mental Well Being at Work
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Unity and community
From the course: Three Steps to Mental Well Being at Work
Unity and community
- The last component for reflection is recognizing that there is no you without community. There is unity in community. The word unity is in community. There is no you without relationships and others. The one for me, in my opinion, the greatest lesson that the pandemic has taught us is that in times of crisis, we are far more interdependent and interconnected on each other. Know that you are not alone. We are in this together. The more you can recognize that we have each other. Reach out if you're struggling or needs support. We are here for each other. We are social creatures. Our brains are wired for this. So know that there is unity in community to socialize and survive, to tribe is to thrive as you've heard before, but there is unity in community. Recognizing that we're all in this together and know that every single one of you plays a crucial role to make your organization thrive. And companies need to…
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