From the course: Three Steps to Mental Well Being at Work
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Unplug wisely
From the course: Three Steps to Mental Well Being at Work
Unplug wisely
- I am guilty of being addicted to my smartphone, and I know many of us are and have been over the pandemic. Zoom and FaceTime were a lifesaver for many of us. But we also have to realize that we have to monitor and be very, I think, aware of our digital dependency. Too much of screen time or being addicted to our devices can disrupt our mental health. Now we know a lot of research has come out around social media. The more individuals engage with social media, this can lead to greater challenges around mental health, mental depression, lack of self-worth, et cetera. But we learn to unplug wisely. I'll tell you a strategy which I do. I take what's called a social media Sabbath. Every one day a week, usually a Saturday or a Sunday, I usually just turn off all my notifications on my phone, all my social media notifications and all my news notifications, so I'm not bombarded with information. Many of us don't have the luxury…
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