From the course: Time Management for Managers
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How to coordinate multiple projects
From the course: Time Management for Managers
How to coordinate multiple projects
- On a personal level, time management is fairly straightforward. Tasks line up, you schedule time to complete them, and you repeat. If you just have one project that you're working on at any given time, the rules are essentially the same. However, if you're a manager with responsibility for multiple, simultaneous projects, then time management takes on a whole new level of complexity. We need to adapt. For detailed training in project management, there are a variety of valuable courses here in the library. In this video, I'll cover tips that are focused on the time management aspect of project management. Tip one, prioritize the big picture. Priority is a function of time and that means we need to establish a priority in advance based upon due dates, based upon the calendar. Let's say that we have three different projects that we're being asked to complete. This means we need to have a conversation with our supervisors and ask what is the expected deadline for each. Also, I recommend…
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