From the course: Typography and Layout: A Practical Guide

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Event flyer

Event flyer

- [Instructor] In this movie, I'm going to talk about designing an event flyer. We want to make sure that we use a consistent hierarchy to organize the information. To guide the viewer's eye, the most important information should typically be the largest and most prominent. Choose a font that reflects the tone of the event and be sure there's enough contrast between the text and its background. The message needs to be legible from a distance and be unambiguous. Don't forget those small details. Double and triple-check any names, addresses, websites, phone numbers. Consider all aspects of micro-typography: kerning, dashes, apostrophes, accents, et cetera. And lastly, work within your constraints. If you're printing at home on a desktop printer, avoid a design that relies on bleeds. If the printer is black and white, don't create a design that depends on color. Use a standard page size, most likely A4 or U.S. letter.…
