From the course: Typography and Layout: A Practical Guide
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Movie poster: Part 1
From the course: Typography and Layout: A Practical Guide
Movie poster: Part 1
- [Narrator] The obvious thing to say about movie posters is that they are big. The most common format is a one sheet, which is 27 by 40 inches. With such a big canvas, the type on a movie poster obviously needs to be large enough to grab the viewer's attention from a distance. Often, the type will overlap the image, become part of the image in a color that matches the poster's color scheme. But however you treat the type, it must be legible. The movie title can be placed wherever it fits best with the image, at the top, the bottom, the center, or somewhere in between, just so long as its placement draws the viewer's eye. Movie poster type can be expressive in a way that conveys the theme or mood of the film. If the type has an edgy atmosphere, consider a distressed font. If there's a historical setting, consider a typeface that evokes the era. Try to match the personality of the font to the themes of the film.…
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